Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Little Miss Cecilia

Just look at that smile!  A few weeks ago Eric and I had the delightful opportunity to photograph Little Miss Cecilia.  What a doll!  A bubbly and cooing baby, she definitely kept us moving.  We had so much fun capturing her special little spirit.  She reminded me of a cabbage patch doll with her cute dimple, just on one cheek.  It was a beautiful day, although I believe we were all 'pushing' the season... ready to wear flip flops and our shades.  Even Cecilia was wearing her itty-bitty sandals, and what a wardrobe that girl had!  Mom had fun playing dress up with all of Cecilia's precious little dresses.  However, nothing was as adorable as her big purple bow.

There's that dimple...


Shawn September 7, 2008 at 1:26 AM  

A great blog, and even better photography.

Live in SoCal now; but Colorado was my home for forty years. Say hello for me, will you?

Best to your continued success ...