Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Colorado Wedding Photographers | PPA

Wow! So much has been happening these last few weeks! I can't believe how busy we've been with the biz. We are making big changes... and can't wait to share with you all. However, it will be a little while before we launch the excitement...

I do have exciting news to share today, though - Eric & I are now both members of PPA - Professional Photographers of America

"The Professional Photographers of America, Inc., a worldwide association, exists to assist its members in achieving their professional, artistic, and fraternal goals; to promote public awareness of the profession; and to advance the making of images in all of its disciplines as an art, a science and a visual recorder of history." (PPA Mission Statement)

We are very excited to be members of such an amazing organization that offers continuing education, competition, community, advocacy and incredible benefits to professional photographers. PPA was actually formed in 1880 - what a legacy, and we are proud to be a part of it!