Friday, January 22, 2010

Health Nuts

Ok, 'Health Nut' may be an exaggeration, however Eric and I have been taking our resolution of healthy living quite seriously. I have to say I am pretty proud of us! I was making dinner last night and had to pull out the camera because it was just so colorful. I ended up taking a few shots this morning when I was making our lovely detoxing 'green drink' for breakfast. Yes. Green. It's intense and a little hard to swallow but loaded with good stuff. We've been juicing it for a while now and I have actually grown to like it. If you can make it through the pictures I've included a recipe at the bottom of this post...

Stir Fry for dinner. We finally pulled out the cool chopsticks from our wedding registry!

Here are the ingredients for green drink...

I wasn't kidding when I said it was green... I like how it matches our logo :)

Still interested? Ok, green drink is made in a juicer. For one serving you will need:
1 Red Delicious Apple
1 Lemon
2 Stalks Kale
2 Stalks Celery
1/2 Head of Lettuce
1 Cup Spinach
Several Slices of Ginger Root

Leave all of the peels on and make sure to rinse your fruits & veggies well. Drink 30 mins before breakfast. Enjoy!